Mobile Responsive Websites

Mobile Responsive Real Estate Websites

mobile-devicesAs our constant contact with the outside world continues to grow and the adaption of new technology such as iPhones and iPads continues to increase, so does the need for mobile responsive websites. When your real estate website is mobile responsive, the design and layout adapts to the size of the screen it’s being viewed on. This means that the entire website can be seen regardless of the size of the screen you or your real estate clients are using. This is important because an increasing number of  smart phone and iPad users are using their devices to access the internet and to search for real estate listings. You want your website to be mobile responsive so that your clients and potential clients can automatically have access to the content and listings they want, regardless of the device they are viewing it on. If prospective client is searching for a real estate agent or homes in your area and cannot access your real estate content from their mobile device, they will move on to your competitors site. Mobile responsive websites are the future of web design.

  • Mobile devices are quickly becoming one of the most effective ways to reach and communicate with your real estate clients.
  • Clients want content that is readily available.
  • Having a mobile responsive website will allow visitors to access your information from anywhere at anytime!
  • Studies show that mobile optimized websites are more engaging.
  • If potential clients can’t view your web page from their phone, iPad, or other mobile device, they will leave and move on to a competitors website.
  • A mobile optimized website looks better AND is easier to operate.
  • Mobile responsive sites provide users with single URL that allows Google to index websites properly.
  • According to Google, mobile responsive websites is their preferred configuration. Meaning, a mobile responsive website will help increase your SEO value!
Don’t lose out on potential real estate clients! Contact Internet Media Consultants for more information on mobile responsive real estate web design!